Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Invisible Train


This past weekend as most of you know, I was in Miami. It wasn’t for a vacation or getaway, it was actually for a business trip. Even though the trip was more fun than business, it was a life changing experience. The speakers, the celebrities, the stories, the testimonials were all incredible. The atmosphere was full with excitement and relentless. The crowd was overwhelmingly jovial. You could talk to anyone about the business and each and every one had a uniquely different story to tell.
A couple months ago, Ruby (my sponsor) introduced me to Market America. At first I was very skeptical about this network marketing business. I had done other network marketing business and completely failed.  My sponsors lived far and never travel to aid me. I spent a lot of money and time in making the business grow but got nothing. And honesty, I never was fully on board with the products. Some of the products would make me vomit and dizzy. My mother did Avon when I was younger and she didn’t get much from it either. Overall I had a bad taste for these network companies.

Anyways, I like to keep my options open so I asked for more information. My husband and I both have an entrepreneur mindset, therefore we are always willing to listen to new ways to making income. When Ruby give me an overview of the business, I discussed it with my husband. We didn’t immediately reject the business, like I said before we are open to new opportunities. But we were surely opening up to the business. After couple of weeks, I joined as a distributor. I was still little skeptical and had my doubts. She told me about the Market America WorldConference was coming up and that it was important I attend so I would understand the business fully. I honestly didn’t want to spend a big chuck of money to attend. However, she explained that the conference will be exciting, informational, and inspiring. So I talk to my husband again, and he also was encouraging me to attend too. He wanted me to fully gasp the business and be able to decide if it was for us. As a result, I was off to Miami for the conference.
One long car ride and two plane delays later, I landed in Miami. I instantly started receiving texts from members of our team, trying to arrange transportations for everyone arriving. In baggage claim, I met one of our team members who lead me to our shuttle to the hotel. I got in car with some of the other team member that had arrived. It was pleasant to see how welcoming and friendly everyone was. I’m the type of person that starts off being quiet and shy than later is the one that can’t shut up. I listen to the various conversations, at least the ones what I could understand. When we arrived at the hotel, I met Ruby and her husband. We got situated in our rooms and relaxed a little waiting for everyone to arrive at the hotel before going to the meeting after meeting. The meeting after meeting is not only for sharing stories about how we started with the business, but to share testimonials about the products and keep the momentum of the business going. It was interesting listening to stories shared, even though my head was hurting I didn’t want to leave; I wanted to listen.
Day One. We woke up bright and early to get on our bus to take us to the American Airline Arena, where the conference was being held at. As we got ready, Ruby prepared Isotonix for me. Isotonix is our vitamin line, it comes in a powder form and you mix with water. Since I was new I hadn’t try all the products so this conference was a great opportunity to taste and try the various products. When are got to the arena, there were already people lined up! Probably got there 6am to get in front. We stood in line sharing stories and testimonials, introducing each other to the team. When the doors open, we rushed in to get the best seats. Our director, Olivia rushed in and got amazing seats for us, our team filled rows after rows. Music was playing loud in the arena, people are dancing and holding banners representing there team, state, or country. I defiantly didn't expect this. Around the arena were various booths of the products and businesses that Market America had to offer. I still couldn’t believe I was in Miami at this world conference.
When the conference started, one by one corporate members come up on stage to share new product launches, statists’ status of the business, new business ideas. It was far from boring, songs would be played as each corporate member came up. The arena would light up with glow in the dark sticks and glasses, people cheering on with excitement to hear more about what was coming up next for the business. Time flew by so quickly, listening and getting hyped about the business that I didn’t realize it was 7pm. My head was overloaded with information and exhilaration. I had a slight headache but all my doubts were gone!
Day Two. I woke ready to hear more about the business. Throughout the trip, Ruby gave me all sort of different products to try. Each one got a thumbs up from me, and would also pass the test from my husband. Whether, I had a headache or need a little boost there was a product. The second day I felt a bit more on the team now that I was understand what the business was all about. Today I went outside to the different booths they had up. I walked around to each booth getting information and handouts. Later I stood in line at the Motives booth, Loren Ridinger was helping at the booth! I instantly text Ruby and other members of the team. I really wanted to a picture with her but I was still in line. Loren was walking around and saw me, she reached out and shook my hand! When Ruby got to the booth Loren was about to leave, Ruby straightaway asked her to take a picture with us and without any hesitation she took a picture with us. Regardless of being the owner and so high in position, she is so humble and generous. Anyone could go up to her and ask for a picture and she would stop in her tracks to take a picture. That meant a lot to me because we hear rich people and celebrities have attitude and think they have some higher power, but not these corporate members. Throughout the day, Olivia and Ruby introduced me to numerous corporate member and other distributors with amazing stories. All were completely down to earth and willing to help. I was in shock! The conference come to an end for the day, and all I could do is think of names, ideas, and plans to maximize my potential in this incredible business. Meeting after meeting become more interested to me, trying to absorb as much information I could on this trip.
Day Three. Last Day. I was more than ready to go home and begin expanding my business. I was consistently on the phone texting, emailing, or using social media to make appointments for when I go back home. Today I sat in the arena for the most time, it was jam packed with information. Fat Joe, rapper from Bronx, NY, had recently joined the business. He shared his amazing story and overview of the business. He explained his invisible train theory. And instantly, I could relate and was more hyped than ever! Everything he said connected to me and made complete sense. When I thought his point of view couldn't be topped, JR Ridinger come on stage. With his actions, visual aids, and passion he took my excitement to another whole different level! As I’m listening, I see someone coming in my row… it was my husband! He surprised me and come to the conference! I was texting and calling him whenever I could during my trip and I couldn't stop talking about the business. He couldn't come earlier because we have our own appliance repair company we couldn't just leave. He come not only to support me but to see what I was so excited about. I had no more words to describe how I felt. Overwhelming support and knowledge. He also couldn’t believe the experience he felt in just a few hours of attending the conference.
Never the less to say the conference was a life-changing experience. We stayed longer so I could attend the Motives training, one of the training that was offer after the conference. I was more than ready to come back home and expand my business! This business defiantly is not one of these other network marketing businesses.
IF you want more information about how to join email me